

Jeans are still banned from most golf courses, we are not sure why?
You have pro golfers dressed from head to toe in orange and this is meant to be the height of style and fashion.
But should golf courses still ban jeans of ‘style and substance’, which could purify the air as you play a round of golf?

Imagine the scene. You watch as the Range Rovers and BMW’s pollute there way into the members car park. Instead of wearing the usual checkered slacks, golfers pull on a pair of ‘catalytic-clothing’ jeans in an effort to redeem their green credentials.

Inventor Prof. Tony Ryan of Sheffield University’s faculty of science claims they could help combat the harmful emissions released by vehicle exhausts. They could take half a gram of nitrous oxide out of the environment a day. That means one million golfers could take half a ton, and that does start to make a difference.

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